Monday, November 19, 2007

Play To Learn Experience

What a neat trip! Learned how to set up a blog; how to post things to it: photos, music, videos, etc. Loved the Jib Jab experience: adding heads of my choice to my dancers. Had great fun adding the You Tube video, and the Old Time Radio broadcast to my Podcast.

Have learned so much that I can now use to more fully enjoy the Internet, as well as acquiring skills to use in my job.
Now it's time to celebrate!

Thanks so much.


The Great Gildersleeve

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Viewed Zoho; also registered.

Watched the 3 minute video with Calvin explaining the system,
and commenting on scripts, Deluge, etc.

Still working on setting up a post; trying to figure out how to
make entry, save, then post the entry.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Wikis and Sandboxes


Added comment to Sheldon's Playhouse, and
added my blog site to favorites.
